Textos, partituras, videos y archivos mp3 descargables de músicas modales clásicas y tradicionales de Irán/Persia y sefardíes/judeo-españolas, y de otros lugares. Documentos relacionados con dichas culturas. Downloadable classical and traditional modal music sheet notes, mp3s, videos and texts mainly from Persia-Iran and sephardic culture throughout the mediterranean sea. and other documents related to these cultures.

PARTITURAS/SHEETNOTES: Classical Persian music /música clásica persa: "Tasnif Morgh-e Sahar"

Tasnif-e "Morgh-e Sahar". Composición del músico compositor judeo-iraní Morteza Neydavoud, sobre un poema de Bahar, también conocido como Malek o-Sho'arā. Esta canción es quizá tan conocida en Irán como el himno nacional, muy popular, tanto por la letra (la tiranía, la libertad, la opresión...) como por su música. Mohammad Reza Shajarian ayudó mucho a esta popularidad cantándola casi siempre al final de sus conciertos durante muchos años, hasta tal punto que cuando en 2007 decidió no cantarla en un concierto, la gente la esperaba y la pedía a gritos después del último encore; esa canción es considerada por mucha gente tan suya como del poeta y del compositor, incluso muchos creen que es una de sus composiciones, erróneamente.

Está compuesta en el Dastgah Mahour y una parte en el Dastgah de Shur:

Detalle de los diferentes gushehs y dastgahs (modos) que componen esta canción:

1. Daramad de Dastgâh Mahour : del principio hasta "o zebar kon".

Goshayesh de Mahour: de"Bolbol-e par" hasta "tudera"/
"por sharar kon" es foroud (vuelta al la melodía base) ,

Shekasteh de Mahour : de"zolm-e zalem" hasta "dadeh bar bad"/
De "ey khoda" hasta "mara sahar kon": foroud.

Delkash de Mahour : de "No bahar ast" hasta "zsaleh bar ast"

Modulación al dastgah Shur, con el gusheh Qaracheh : de "In ghafas" hasta "atashin")

6. Sigue en
dastgah Shur, con el gusheh Razavi ("Dast-e tabi'at... Gol az in"),

Forud (vuelta) al dastgah Mahour: de "bishtar kon" hasta el final.

Quiero señalar que puede que haya algún error en este análisis de las diferenres partes de Morgh-e Sahar, por ello son bienvenidas cualquier correcciones que se puedan aportar. Sin embargo, todos los gushehs mencionados son indudablemente presentes en esta canción, la parte de la cual tengo unas dudas aún es la de los "Foroud".


Tasnif-e "Morgh-e Sahar". Composition of the jewish-Iranian composer Morteza Neydavoud, on a poem of Bahar also known as Malek to o-Shóara. This song is perhaps as well-known in Iran as the national anthem, very popular, as much for its lyrics (tyranny, freedom, oppression...) as by its beautiful music. Mohammad Reza Shajarian helped much to this popularity singing it almost always at the end of his concerts during many years, to such an extent that when in 2007 he decided not to sing it in a concert, people waited for it and it requested it shouting after the last encore; that song is considered by many his song, as much the poet's and the composer's, many even think that it is one of his compositions, erroneously.

The tasnif is a composition in the Dastgah Mahour and a part in the Dastgah de Shur:

Detail of the different parts:

1. Daramad ( from the begining up to "o zebar kon"),
2. Goshayesh ("Bolbol-e par" > "tudera"; "por sharar kon" is foroud),
3. Shekasteh ("zolm-e zalem > dadeh bar bad"; "ey khoda...mara sahar kon": foroud)
4. Delkash ("No bahar ast... zsaleh bar ast")
5. Modulation to Shur, gusheh Qaracheh ("In ghafas... atashin")
6. Shur, gusheh Razavi ("Dast-e tabi'at... Gol az in"),
7. Forud (back) to Mahour: "bishtar kon": to the end.

I aknowledge there may be some errors in the analysis of the tasnif and its differents parts and I appreciate any corrections anyone may add to it as far as the different gushehs are concerned.

Tasnif Morgh-e Sahar - Poem translated in english & Music patrickduka123 The tasnif of Morgh-e Sahar. Poem of Bahar, music of Morteza Neydavoud, a jewish iranian great musician. Composed in Dastgah-e Mahour with the following gushehs : 1. Daramad ( from the begining up to "o zebar kon"), 2. Goshayesh ("Bolbol-e par" > "tudera"; "por sharar kon" is foroud), 3. Shekasteh ("zolm-e zalem > dadeh bar bad"; "ey khoda...mara sahar kon": foroud) 4. Delkash ("No bahar ast... zsaleh bar ast") 5. Modulation to Shur, gusheh Qaracheh ("In ghafas... atashin") 6. Shur, gusheh Razavi ("Dast-e tabi'at... Gol az in"), 7. Forud (back) to Mahour: "bishtar kon": to the end. I aknowledge there may be some errors in the analysis of the tasnif and its differents parts and I appreciate any corrections anyone may add to it as far as the different gushehs are concerned.
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CASTELLANO: Este blog desea ser un lugar de divulgación y preservación de las músicas modales con preponderancia de los estilos y culturas persa por un lado, y sefardí del área del mediterráneo por otro lado, no cerrándose sin embargo a otras culturas. No pretendemos perjudicar a l@s artistas, investigador@s, poetas, escritor@s etc. cuyos trabajos publicamos aquí, sino dar a conocer sus esfuerzos interesantísimos a nuestros ojos y sacarlos a la luz del día, sin ningún ánimo de lucro; sabemos que para mucha gente estos trabajos son difíciles de conseguir, incluso para algunos documentos imposible quizá. Esperamos que cualquiera que se descargue un documento de aquí adopte la misma (o una similar) filosofía al respecto.

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ENGLISH:This blog is meant to preserve and disseminate the modal music and culture from Iran Persia and the sephardic heritage from the Mediterranean sea, being open to other cultures and musics; we do not pretend to harm artists, investigators, poets, writers, musicians, etc. whose works we are publishing here and offering for download without any economic interest, our aim is rather to put in the broad daylight their hard and very interesting work that are for some very or even impossible to find. We hope that anyone downloading documents from here will adopt the same philosophy.

We akcnowledge that the works published here are sometimes a means to make a living for the authors, for that reason:

IF you see copyrighted material belonging to you here and would rather have it not published, let us know and we'll take the related post away.

Nevertheless, we must say the following: We firmly believe that knowledge shared freely as much as possible can only do good to mankind, everybody has access to it, not only the people than can afford to buy it.